Claim your refund

Make sure you’ve performed the required battery inspection before continuing.

If you haven’t yet inspected your battery, or you’d prefer to have a professional inspect it, return to the main page and follow the steps provided.

Do not continue unless you’re confident the information you’re providing is accurate and correct.

  • We need you to give us:
  • some details of your bike
  • your contact and shipping details
  • your payment details so we can refund you

The amount offered will vary depending on the model you own, it can take up to 4 weeks to be processed.

Accepting a partial refund of the purchase price does not make you lose your right to participate free of charge in the repair solution that will be rolled out in February, nor excludes any other warranty rights. Be assured that you will not lose your warranty rights.






Your bike is not affected

Based on the serial number provided, your bike is not affected by the safety notice and therefore not eligible for a refund.

If this is incorrect, please get in touch with our customer service centre. You’ll need to let them know your customer number and any other information relating to the bike and your order.

Refund request already submitted

Based on the serial number provided, a refund has already been requested. Remember, the refund can take up to 4 weeks to be processed.

If this is incorrect, please get in touch with our customer service centre. You’ll need to let them know your customer number and any other information relating to the bike and your order.

Battery inspection

We need to know the results of your inspection. If you haven’t yet inspected your battery, or you’d prefer to have a professional inspect it, return to the main page and follow the steps provided.

Do not continue unless you’re confident the information you’re providing is accurate and correct.

Battery inspection




Your refund

Your refund

The amount offered will vary depending on the model you own and is a partial refund of the original purchase price. It can take up to 4 weeks to be processed.

Check that currency below is the currency that you want to be refunded in. To change to a different currency, click here.




请注意,输入您的国际银行账户号码 (IBAN) 信息后,我们的系统将自动确定您的银行代码 (BIC)。



您的数据将与 Canyon 共享。它将仅用于预期目的,然后根据法定规定予以删除。 编辑
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