Grand Canyon WMN AL 4.0

Escape your daily rut when you buy the Grand Canyon WMN AL 4.0, and be ready for any adventure. Designed to be a women’s specific hardtail mountain bike, it will open up new opportunities for you in gravel trail riding. The Schwalbe Racing Ralph Performance 2.25 inch tires on the reliable Alex Rims MD19 will give you ideal grip on the dirt trails through the local woods. And for the smaller riders, the sizes XS and S come with perfectly matched 27.5 inch wheels, which will make the handling more comfortable and controlled.
  • 前叉行程: 100 毫米
  • 重量: 12.80 千克
  • Grand Canyon WMN AL 4.0
    颜色: magic red
  • 颜色: viper black
  • 颜色: Flash Blue
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Grand Canyon WMN AL 4.0 详情


此类别还满足 1-2 类的要求。此外,还包括适用于条件较恶劣的非铺装路面的自行车。在骑行这些自行车时,可偶尔进行跳跃,最大跳跃高度不超过 60 厘米。这种幅度的跳跃可能会导致经验不足的骑手在落地时发生意外,从而受伤。此类别包括硬尾山地车和具有短行程的全避震自行车



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