Ultimate CF SLX Disc 8.0

Once you’ve decided to splurge and buy yourself a new bike, you are then faced with the agony of choice. The Ultimate CF SLX Disc 8.0 is here to make that choice an easy one. The carbon frame has been given our Sport Pro Geometry which puts you in a race-ready position without forcing you to strain your back over-reaching. Weighing just 40 g more than the non-disc version, which is already a super-light 780 g in medium, this Ultimate CF SLX Disc enjoys the same lightweight carbon layup, though variations have been made in the areas that are certain to receive the brunt of the braking forces that the discs exert.
  • 材料: 碳纤维 (CF)
  • 重量: 7.60 千克
  • Ultimate CF SLX Disc 8.0
    颜色: gran tourismo blue
  • 产品仅适用于会员. 注册。
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Ultimate CF SLX Disc 8.0 详情


此类自行车适合在硬化路面上骑行,此种路面会使得车轮与地面持续接触。此类别自行车中通常包括带赛车把横或直把横的公路竞赛自行车铁三车或计时赛车。最大允许总质量(包括骑手、行李和自行车)不得超过 120 千克。在某些情况下,组件制造商提供的使用建议会进一步限制这一最大允许质量。在此类别中,久经验证的公路越野车和带赛车把横、吊刹或碟刹砾石车属于特例。此外,这些自行车也适用于砾石路和越野林道,这些路面上高 15 至 20 厘米的小型台阶或阶梯可能会使轮胎短暂与地面脱离接触。



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